Crypto Cricky Chicken Coop
Crypto Cricky Chicken Coop
Chicken 15552

Name: Un-named 13271
Gender: Hen
Heritage: Lakenvelder
Stock: Spicy
Talent: Chickenapult
Background: Flesh
Base Body: Manic Mint
Beak Color: Yellow
Comb Color: Pink
Eyestype: Cockeyed
Wattle Color: PInk
Perfection: 93%
Heritage of Birds to Choose from

There will only ever be 33,000 Spicy birds. The Drops are all done.

Crypto Cricky Chicken Coop
We are very excited to roll out our new coop. We have 10 Spicey birds. More to come!!! be on the look out for more info.
Crypto Cricky Chicken Coop